viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

White Tiger

I love animals, and if I could choose to be any animal in the world, it would be very difficult to make a decision. There are so many beautiful animals and so much variety.

I want to be a white tiger, because it is one of the most beautiful animals that I have seen in the world, his fur is wonderful, and have great strength and physical power.

This tiger is a bengal tiger, but has a genetic mutation which suppresses the orange color and gives it his beautiful white color. Its size is huge, measuring three meters in length approx. and weigh between 180 and 285 kilos. This species is bigger than the orange bengal tigers but with his enormous strength, it can jumps more than seven meters of length and two of height.

They are powerful nocturnal hunters, able to travel many miles to find their food. At the time of hunting, they can reach a speed of up to 80 kilometers per hour. They are not as fast as other animals, but they are extremely cautious. They stare patiently and approach their victims with great stealth, enough to attack them with a quick and lethal leap. 

All these characteristics appeal to my attention, and for one day I want have the agility and strength to be able to move freely through a huge jungle, forest or savannah. I like the possibility of having lots of energy running all over my body.

2 comentarios:

  1. is an incredible and beautiful animal, I definitely see it in you, it's really you...

  2. I think I saw a white tiger in the zoologico metropolitano here in Santiago, but the poor man was sleeping all day because he was inside that creepy cage
